Become a sponsor !

Our Sponsors

     Let's face it.  With out Sponsors, there would be no Jazz Festival.  Sponsors are the key financial support that hold the entire project together.  Knowing that sponsors are in place allows us to book the best bands early enough to be sure they are available.  

      We know that local businesses are stretched with many requests.  So we are also hoping that local families will step up and  consider sponsoring a stage or band.  Check out the Sponsor Circles of support and the perks below and email Larry Brown at      He will be happy to help you find just the right level.  Thanks.   

The South Haven Jazz Festival is a program of Foundry Hall, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 

2024 Sponsors to date

We reserve the right to modify logo images for our family friendly audience and website viewers. 

Miles Davis Circle



Jan and Terry Voress

Louis Armstrong Circle

$500 - $999

Ella Fitsgerald Circle

$250 - $499

Marsalis Family Circle

$100 - $249

David Westenberger

2023 Sponsors

Miles Davis Circle


Alan Silverman & Anna Marchand      Our first Jazz Fan Miles Davis Circle Sponsors!


South Haven Visitor's Bureau



Jan & Terry Voress


John Clayton is sponsored by JSJA



Louis  Armstrong Circle

$500 - $999

Cogdal Vineyards

South Haven

Ella Fitzgerald Circle

$250 - $499

Wolverine Hardware

GrandRapids & SW Michigan

Annie Brown and

Jeff Filbrandt

         Lake Effect Jazz Big Band

Town & Country Appraisal Company        Paw Paw.      Jim Zerbi


Marsalis Family Circle

$100 -$249


Charlene & Jeff Wilson

Bev & Larry Brown

2022 Sponsors

Miles Davis Circle 


South Haven Visitor's Bureau



Louis Armstrong Circle

$500 - $999

South Haven, MI

SW Michigan & Grand Rapids

2020 sponsors

2019 sponsors

2018 sponsors

2017 Sponsors