Received a wonderful note from a couple after the Festival this past year, saying that it was time for them to "step up to the plate" this year and become a Miles Davis Circle Sponsor ($1000+) ,  Could your family or company join them as a sponsor this year?  It could help keep our festival free for everyone! 

Click on our sponsor page to see our current supporters and sponsorship levels.  Email: for all the details. 


Huron Street Pavilion, Downtown South Haven, Mi

Wine and Beer Garden.

Latest news

What a great festival we had this year.  Mark your calender for next year.  Sept. 13,14, 2024

 Please consider being a sponsor by checking out the "Our wonderful sponsors" page.  Stay tuned for more big news!

For more information, or any last minute changes, check out Facebook  "Foundry Hall"  or